Item de NotíciaFGM Zero Tolerance Day 2016 celebrated at Clitoraid's Pleasure Hospital in Burkina Faso
(Categoria: Clitoraid NEWS)
Postado por nadine
15 Fev 2016
Abi Sanon, Clitoraid leader in Africa, reports:
The International celebration around Zero Tolerance for FGM is also dedicated to pleasure and our discussion at the Kamkaso 'Pleasure' Hospital from 9 to 11h30 involved the men in our community, to invite them to voice their opinion on the subject and be more active in our fight against FGM.
A group of about 30 people, men and women alike, participated in the talk. We began with information about FGM, its definition, the different types of excision, where this barbaric tradition is practiced in the world, its consequences, the history of the construction of Kamkaso's medical facility.
Then, we discussed the surgery aiming to restore the clitoris and spoke about the NGO that supports this humanitarian endeavor: AFVE/Clitoraid and its activism. The delay in the opening of our hospital was also brought forth.
During the discussion we realized that the participants lacked information on these different subject and how important it was to bring them the correct information, and try to educate them better. We encouraged everyone to become more involved in the fight against FGM and to bring this awareness to their community. We were clear in our message that mutilating the genitals of little girls and women violates their right and their dignity. We added that it applied to the mutilation of little boys' penises during circumcision.
We ended our conversation by inviting everyone to actively promote the opening of the Pleasure Hospital for the happiness of the long list of patients who are patiently awaiting their clitoral restoration surgery.
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