Item de NotíciaFrance - Sonata in the Moonlight for a clito...
(Categoria: Clitoraid NEWS)
Postado por Clémence
21 Mai 2012

By Magali García, Clitoraid Coordinator for Rhône-Alpes area (France)

Sunday, May 13, volunteers of the Lyon region met in Tassin-la-demi-lune for a beautiful day of fundraising and helping African women who underwent female circumcision.

A yard sale organized by a motivated young team filled with love allowed us to harvest the very nice sum of €200. All kinds of items sold (books, clothes, trinkets) to offer these women a future more sunny, a normal sexual life.

People who walked around there were happy to know that they bought and made a good deed at the same time. Many of them have become aware of this problem of serious medical condition that affects the dignity of women. Hundreds of leaflets with the name of the site have been dispersed to know the association and its purpose.

A very nice sunny day for us and for them...

A big thank you to the whole team.

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